Sunday, April 12, 2015

Top Ten Reasons why Chicago needs a Comprehensive Chicago Directory of Youth Violence Resources - Part II

Our January 25 post gave a David Letterman-style Top Ten reasons why Chicago needs a comprehensive Youth Resource Directory (YRD). Here's the promised follow up to it, belatedly. We've spoken with representatives of most of the 25 groups listed below, requesting their input on the status of current efforts (if any) to create a comprehensive YRD of youth development and youth violence reduction resources that would be universally available to all Chicagoans. The 25 groups:
  1. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago
  2. Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago 
    1. Chicago MidSouth Community Resource Directory (2005)
  3. Chicago Community Trust 
    1. African American Legacy Initiative List of Grant Recipients
    2. CCT's Collaboratories Asset Mapping group
  4. City of Chicago, Office of the Mayor
    1. Mayor's Commission for a Safer Chicago - Strategic Plan for 2015
  5. Code for America
  6. Community Media Workshop
    1.  We Are Not Alone
  7. Get In Chicago
  8. Golden Apple Foundation
  9. Heartland Alliance
  10. Illinois Department of Human Resources
  11. Illinois Department of Public Health: 
    1. Violence Prevention Task Force
  12. Jewish Vocational Services (JVS Chicago)
  13. LISC Chicago
    1. Areas of Work and Neighborhoods
  14. MacArthur Foundation 
  15. McCormick Foundation
  16. NorthBridge Technology Alliance
  17. Purple Binder
  18. Smart Chicago Collaborative
  19. Strengthening Chicago's Youth 
  20. Thrive Chicago
  21. Tutor/Mentor Institute
  22. UIC Great Cities Institute
  23. UCAN
  24. United Way
  25. YMCA
Here's what we've learned so far. Everyone agrees on the need for a comprehensive YRD. Many agree with us that the need is urgent. Yet no one in Chicago is currently planning to create a YRD. No one could give us even a rough estimate of the costs to create a comprehensive YRD: costs to 
  • Gather resources for the YRD (estimate several thousand resources)
  • Compile YRD resources (on a database)
  • Design the YRD, ensuring multiple search functions, including maps.
  • House the YRD (on a user-friendly online platform)
  • Disseminate the YRD (promote and publicize it in media to multiple audiences: Chicagoans, resource providers, local and national media, and to city, state and national leaders)
  • Update the YRD (over a 10 year period). 
If it turns out the costs of creating a comprehensive YRD are prohibitive, we are now asking these 25 groups for their input on the utility and cost-effectiveness of a serviceable YRD. CCM's exploration of the functionality of a universally accessible, low cost YRD can be found at this Planning Page for a (serviceable) YRD.

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