May 12 Chicago Community Trust "On The Table" Event Post Mortem
- CCT President and CEO Terry Mazany gives this recap: "On May 12, 2014, more than 11,500 people—representing every Chicago neighborhood, every residential zip code in the city, and 11 counties in the metropolitan area—gathered to share their vision on how to make our community stronger, safer and more dynamic."
- CCT "Share Your Ideas" Page (add YOURS here!)
- CCT "impact page" of Media links (prior to event)
- CCT On The Table Hub
- From the Chicago Tribune
- From the Sun-Times website
- From Sun-Times CSTtv site (10-minute video of "intimate lunch" of Sun-Times editors, columnists, reporters):
- Same video on YouTube, with viewer count and space for feedback
- Sun-Times "Voices" coverage of the video by Emily McFarlan Miller
Labels: Billy Goat's, Chicago Civic Media, Chicago Community Trust, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, On the Table